| DETOX water system's innovative water purification systems perform disinfection, filtration, ultrafiltration and structuring of water molecules. This makes water six times easier for any living organism to absorb. The systems are suitable for every home, office and public building.

What's inside?
Structure the water molecule
Remove viruses and pathogens
Prevent scale build-up
Remove residual chlorine
Without the use of salts and chemicals

Lead to better absorption of nutrients
An environmentally friendly solution to reduce the use of plastic
No extra consumables
5 years warranty
Water colour, taste and smell are improved
Hydrate skin and hair

💧 Структуриране на водната молекула
💧 Екологично решение за ограничаване на употребата на пластмасата
💧 Премахва вируси и патогени
💧 Предотвратява натрупване на котлен камък
💧 Отстранява остатъчен хлор
💧 Без използване на соли и химикали
💧 Без допълнителни консумативи
💧 5 години гаранция
💧 Подобряват се цвят, вкус и мирис на водата
💧 Хидратира кожата и косата
💧 Води до по-добро усвояване на хранителните вещества

DETOX Mini is a compact ultrafiltration module designed for installation before a tap or water meter.

DETOX Zeolite module performs disinfection, softening, purification, UV treatment, and water structuring.

DETOX Ultrafiltration is a system suitable for water purification in larger households, residential buildings, etc.

The way of
| Технологии
Introducing the way of the structured water!
The future of water is here - easy, convenient and affordable!

High standard for drinking water in your home
DETOX Water Systems provide filtered and structured water to every water source in your home.
Structured water makes food and beverages prepared with it taste better.
Structured water protects fabrics from chlorine and scale.
Extends the lifespan of all electrical appliances and reduces the consumption of detergents due to better solubility.
Ensures better absorption of nutrients in the soil.
Filtered water reduces the use of strong chemical detergents.
Helps protect the entire system from the accumulation of scale and other impurities.
High standard for drinking water in your home
DETOX Water Systems provide filtered and structured water to every water source in your home.
Филтрираната вода придава по-добри вкусови характеристики на храната и напитките, приготвени с нея.
Филтрираната вода придава по-добри вкусови характеристики на храната и напитките, приготвени с нея.
Филтриранта вода предвазва тъканите от хлор и котлен камък.
Extends the lifespan of all electrical appliances and reduces the consumption of detergents due to better solubility.
Ensures better absorption of nutrients in the soil.
Filtered water reduces the use of strong chemical detergents.
Helps protect the entire system from the accumulation of scale and other impurities.

Working stages of the systems
DETOX Water System

DETOX Water systems are self-cleaning by presetting a date and time in their software. They have no additional consumables and installation is completely free of charge.







Forget about
bottled water
Bottled water can pose risks to your health due to the presence of chemicals that migrate from plastic bottles into water at temperatures above 25˚ degrees, including BPA and phthalates, which potentially act as endocrine disruptors.
The production of plastic bottles requires significant amounts of resources - water and oil - and discarded bottles create serious waste management problems and contribute to the pollution of the ocean.
Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, breaking down to microplastics, which in recent years have had a negative impact on the human body according to a number of studies. The most common contaminants are from polyethylene, which is mainly used in the production of plastic bottles.
Choosing filtered tap water instead of bottled water can reduce health and environmental risks.
Pure water for our children
Technoinox Engineering launches a socially responsible campaign "Pure water for our children", which aims to ensure that children and adolescents have access to purified and structured water.
If you wish to be a benefactor in it you can contact our team. In support of various sporting events, through the systems of the DETOX Water System water is provided for the participants.

Industrial plant with systems for disinfection, purification, softening and structuring of water Model: Ima Water Technology, model CCMFUV STR up to 3.5 m3/h ...
Invest in health: 3 new water systems protect the health of children in the municipality of Pavel Banya. Another successful project of ,,TECHNOINOX ENGINEERING" ...
Silvia Stone

Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum luctus justo sed nibh interdum, nec mollis sem convallis. Sed placerat sem ante, ut aliquam mauris lacinia ac. Praesent in diam eros.
Justin Fisher

Mauris iaculis erat eu libero scelerisque, vel consequat justo varius. Duis dapibus leo tempus lectus tempor, id ullamcorper lacus dignissim.
Lila Anderson

Donec sodales metus arcu. Vestibulum lobortis, sem malesuada pulvinar mollis, justo tortor porta massa, et posuere leo tortor at felis. Sed placerat auctor felis ac rhoncus.